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02/21/15 04:15 PM #12    

Sister Linda Webb (Dmj)

Hello to Everyone!

I am writing again to share news of the death of another one of our DMJ teachers at Pius:  Sister Gertrude Mary, also known more recently as Sr. Mary Jensch.   Mary joined the staff at Pius at the beginning of our senior year.   She taught senior English to some of us and was a great supporter of all that we did.  Sr. Mary had come to Pius from Our Lady of the Rosary in Paramount, where she taught the upper grades for three years.  Perhaps those of you who attended OLR may have younger brothers or sisters who were her students. 

Sr. Mary's funeral Mass will be on Saturday, February 28 (which would have been her 87th birthday!) at 11:00 am at St. John Fisher Church, 5448 Crest Road, Rancho Palos Verdes, followed by a reception at Mary & Joseph Retreat Center (which is adjacent to the parish).  Interment will be at Holy Cross Cross Cemetery, Culver City at 3:00 pm.

Thank you for the many messages shared about Sr. Therese Martin's death this past September.  We certainly have been blessed with many outstanding teachers--and classmates, too!!

With peace,

Linda Webb, DMJ

02/22/15 08:42 AM #13    


Jerry Cluck

GOD BLESS her eternal soul  !

02/22/15 01:29 PM #14    


Jean Scott, (Crilley)

May you find solace in your beliefs

02/22/15 08:19 PM #15    


Mike Carnall

Sister Gertrude Mary was our 8th grade teacher at Our Lady of the Rosary.  She was also the principal of the school and a very competent, kind, but no nonsence person. May she rest in peace.   

02/24/15 11:40 AM #16    


Barbara Valencia (Creason-Campos)

I remember Sister Gertrude Mary as the 'young nun'.  Doing the math now I realize she was 29 when she was my teacher in 8th grade (Thanks for helping me remember, Mike).  Sister liked to laugh and she loved the girly sports of softball and volleyball and encouraged me to play.  I sensed that she was proud to be an American amongst her Sisters most of whom were from Ireland.  She was very kind (and I think that under her habit she was a redhead!  She allowed me to tease her about it).  May she rest in peace. 

09/08/15 11:30 AM #17    


Dick Heroux

Today I heard from Mickey Finnerty, Bernadine's brother and he wanted to add his comments to Bernadine's "In Memory" page.  Unfortunately the site is not set up to do that so I told him I could post his thoughts on the "Message Forum".


My sister passed away on January 5, 2005 from ovarian cancer.  She had battled the cancer for two and one half years having surgery and experimental chemotherapy, but by the time it was diagnosed, the cancer was at stage four.  Through this entire ordeal, she never complained and always remained positive and upbeat.

She had so much tragedy in her life, I don't know how she managed to survive it all and still find joy and happiness in life.  She had several miscarriages and finally carried a baby full term only to have a still birth baby boy.  She had two sons, Kevin and Scott and in 1998 Scott committed suicide according to the police report.  To this day we still can't believe the report.  During this horofic time her husband, David, had Alzheimer's disease and was already in a hospital and couldn't recognize Bernadine or didn't know he had a son.  Since David was not working he had no health insurance (not old enough for medicare) so his care wiped out their entire financial resources.

My sister was the most wonderful, caring and compassionate person who ever lived!  Her "signature" throughout life was to write notes or send cards.  Thank You notes, get well cards or just a how are you doing note was something she continued throughout her life.  If one word could describe the life she led it would be "kindness!"

Throughout life's sorrows Bernadine remained her positive "happy go lucky" self who loved life at 100 mph!

Her working career was mostly spent in the carpet industry workingin management for Queen Carpet and Shaw Industries.  She thoroughly enjoyed her job and the people she worked with.  If you knew Bernadine, you knew she was a people person.  She was a perfect for the companies she worked for and they were so lucky to have her as an employee.

The legacy Bernadine left us was that of kindness.  Just before she passed away, she looked up at us and said "be kind to one another."

09/09/15 09:48 AM #18    


Maria Lupo (Jordan)

Thank you Mickey (and Dick) for posting this information. It makes my woes pale by comparison to Bernadine's sorrows. How wonderful to learn of her many acts of kindness. I will remember this and try to emulate her. 

09/09/15 12:00 PM #19    


Shari Letson (Concialdi)

I remember Bernadine very well and always enjoyed her sense of humor and positive attitude. Even back then, she was so positive In her approach to life. Thank you Mickey and Dick for sharing this beautiful tribute about Bernadine. She left her family and friends a wonderful legacy.

09/09/15 01:27 PM #20    

Judee Mosman (Luke)

Although my memory of  Bernardine has faded somewhat through the years, I remember her essence so well  - smiles, sweetness and kindness. I am sorry to hear that she had so many challenges in her life, but her brother's message shows that she maintained her goodness and kindness throughout her life. Surely she is at last enjoying eternal peace and happiness.  I am glad to have known her.

Judee Mosman Luke

09/09/15 05:48 PM #21    

Patricia Arnett (Bauer)

Nice tribute to a strong kind woman.  In spite of the challenges she faced, her kindness remained.  She will now Rest in Peace and her kindnesses will be her legacy.  Thanks for sharing her story.

09/14/15 11:19 AM #22    


Margaret Tramma/Cluck (Cluck)

I too, fondly remember Bernadine, had so much fun with her, her personality was always happy and fun hard to hear about the trials she suffered throughout her life, but, so enlightning to know that she endured and lifted herself above all the pain....she is happy with God now and know that she was loved by many who were lucky enough to know her in High School.

02/25/16 12:31 PM #23    


Jerry Cluck

Bernardine was a delight to know, she was always happy and kind.May the Perpetual light shine upon her !

jerry Cluck

11/11/19 07:50 AM #24    


Clare Krolikowski (Scheel)

Dear Diane Mandela,

I did not know that you were a veteran.  Thank you for your service and let me know what branch you served with.


11/30/19 09:48 AM #25    


Tony Novotny

Marilyn Rassi Hewlett & TJ:

Thanks for the slide show of your African adventure.  Most impressive!  Peggy and I should do a slide show of our Upper Ruby River property where we have all the critters nearby Yellowstone National Park has, but it would not be as sensational - fewer types of critters than what you experienced..  We do have grizzlies, however, one being spotted less than a half mile from our cabin this year and archery hunters were mauled by 4 different griz this past fall right in our river watershed.  We also have wolves, and all the ungulate offspring they feed on including moose calves, elk calves, bighorn sheep, whitetail deer, mule deer, & antelope fawns.

My youngest son, Lee R. Novotny, has caught 5# brown trout here, but the fish aren't large enough to keep his interest..  As a world class fly fisherman he has set several world reccords with the Internationa Game Fish Association in other locales but he never kills the fish - totally catch & release.

I am emailing from the pictured location where cell phones don't work (too remote) but where we have satellite internet.

Good On Ya, and Thanks for Sharing,

Tony Novotny

Upper Ruby River, and Belgrade, Montana

11/30/19 10:59 AM #26    

Marilyn Rassi (Hewlett)

Hi Tony.  Thanks for your comments.  You live in God's Country and we would love to see you put it on display.  Dick Herouix is extremely helpful in getting the pics on our web site.  He's happy to assist and did all of the work on my presentation, including the music.  Nice to hear about youir successful son and his fishing interests.  Yes, throw them back.  Keep your eyes on our web site.  We'll be having a 60th class reunion in 2021.  Marilyn

12/01/19 07:41 AM #27    


Patricia Melby (Wescombe)


Hey Marilyn, I posted comments to your great slideshow and travel log  on another section ..The comments are posted under "what people are saying".  

Tony, I absolutely love where you live   Breathtaking!! I have been to Big Sky Country  twice but only in the winter. I would love to return sometime in the summer  ❣️❣️



12/01/19 09:38 AM #28    


Tony Novotny

Marilyn & Patty,

Thanks for the exchange. Just to clarify, Peggy & I do not live on our Upper Ruby Property (which we call the "URP").  The nearest town to it is a 45 minute drive if you want groceries, hardware, building materials, etc.  That would be Sheridan, MT.  And historic Virginia City, MT is also about that far away the other direction, where the gold rush occurred with its cast of characters like the "road agents" (outlaws) and the "vigilantes,"   We actually live most of the time in Belgrade, MT where the Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport is located.  It's about a two hour + drive to "camp out" in the cabin.  I am here by myselt for the last week of deer-elk hunting season.  Yesterday I hiked up the side of the Greenhorn Mountains (see previous picture) in that pursuit and encountered 9 bighorn sheep, which I took a picture of with my "smart phone" which was not smart enough to take a discernible picture from 200 yards away.  They were bedded down on a south face warming up.  One ram had 1/2 curl, another had 3/4 curl.  It is nice to see this reintroduced species here that got knocked down by domestic sheep's pneumonia over the years!

The URP cabin sits unused 95% of the year.  We let friends use it ona a first come first serve basis.  For example, my 10-years younger brother, Greg (oldest of my 3 younger brothers & 2 younger surviving sisters), a retired Delta pilot, ususally signs up for it in the summertime with his wife Krista who loves to hike, explore, & observe wildlife.  If you can handle "primitive" in an exquisitely beautiful place, reserve a time slop at: - my land surveying-real estate sales business address..

Simply, what you & your spouse need to occupy the URP cabin is to bring your own sleeping bags, pillows, & an ice chest of food to your liking.  Electricity was added in recent years, so there is a refrigerator.  I started building the cabin in 1998 with an elk hunting buddy (now deceased) & we continue to "get by with a little help from my friends!" (was that a 60's Beatles toon?).  My first cousin, Ron Kelly, and international mining engineer who created Terra Nova Technologies out of San Diego, has hunted here for the past 17 years.  He had a water well drilled, a waterline buried 6 feet (so it will not freeze during cold weather), a septic system installed, and most recently had a pantry & bathroom with shower added.  At one point, he and Stockbroker Dave hauled in spray-in insulation from San Diego (we call him "Stockbroker" because he has no feeling in the bottom of his feet & has fallen and broken 2 rifle stocks while hunting).  They applied this highly insulative, messy stuff inside and out, so now the little woodstove I hauled in from Lake Almanor, CA really heats the place up nicely.  Incidentally, Stockbroker catches lobster & blue fin, and brings them to URP for some of our hunt camp meals.

Fishing gear would also be needed if you or your mate would like trout fishing on the Ruby River, which is a main tributary of the Missouri River Headwaters & flows through our property. It is fun to fly fish or use ultra light spinning gear.  Peggy likes to eat trout for breakfast, so sometimes I will go down to the bridge over the river and bring her back an absolutely fresh rainbow trout caught with a spinner..

Good On Ya From "The Last Best Place,"

Tony Novotny




04/25/21 11:38 AM #29    


Susan Erhart (Devane-Pace)

saw the invite to the 60th class reunion, but can't figure out where to tap to say YES .

I will be with my husband Ken. so put us down for 2 coming.

Thanks, Sue Erhart- Devane-Pace



10/24/21 11:13 AM #30    


Clare Krolikowski (Scheel)

Sorry we will be in Paris and will not be able to attend the reunion.  Have a wonderful time and Peace and love to all.

Clare Krolikowski Scheel

02/08/22 08:02 AM #31    

Frances Sink (Giddings)

To Sheri and family

So sorry to hear about John's passing. My deepest sympathies and prayers are with you.


02/08/22 01:25 PM #32    

Richard Floryanowich

Hi Shari,

Even though I didn't know John, I still can imagine how you feel with the loss of a loved one to a horrible pandemic.  Please accept my sincere condolences.

We have been far away from the times since grammar school at OLR, that was when your name was still Sharon!  We had a lot of good times, and with that said, please remember the good times you have had with your husband, grieving will go on, but in time it will be easier to handle.

Our prayers are with you for your comfort.  Life on earth is a one-way ticket, the next stop is Heaven.


Dick Floryanowich

02/16/22 07:51 AM #33    


Tony Novotny

Happy Birthday, Jackie!  Welcome to Oldtimer-hood.

Tony Novotny

06/12/23 10:12 AM #34    

Jess Whitten

Sorry to hear of your passing prayers go oiut to and for you and your family

Jess whitten

05/10/24 12:08 PM #35    


Clare Krolikowski (Scheel)

I am looking for our dear friend Pat Smith Gosnell.  Many of us attended St Helens and Pius together and I have not heard from her so if you have please let me know as I miss her.  Clare Krolikowski Scheel

05/10/24 03:04 PM #36    


Tracy Farwell

Hey I had a STEM career.  Here's my report from un-retiring in 2010 to study whether climate change is a lie.

It's not.  You can tell because the insurance industry knows the risk.  State Farm, Allstate Farmers USAA, Travelers, Nationwide and Chubb are still active in California, they have just either limited or stopped writing new home insurance policies.

It's not my fault only one political party gets it.  This advice from a US Senator says you better start saving money.  Like all science this is discussable.  If it inspires a need to spew a string of insults, which you see a lot of, at my age I got no time for it.

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